Category: Summit 2012

PASS Summit 2012 By The Numbers

Last week was the 2012 Summit. I thought I might just provide some interesting data points rather than give you a bunch of talk about the awesome presentations I saw, people I met, and things I did.


Steps taken: 49,404
Floors climbed: 126
Miles walked: 24.08
Hours slept: 23.7
Precons attended: 1
Sessions attended: 9
Sessions I left early 1
Time spent in keynote 1: 100
Time wasted attending keynote 2: 45
Flashmobs danced in: 1
Sponsored events attended outside of Summit: 4
# nights at Bush Gardens 1
# days pants were worn 1
Best session award: Adam Machanic
Funniest stalker award: Mike Fal

PASS Summit 2012–Register Now And Save

It’s the end of January and the price of attendance to the PASS Summit 2012 is about to go up.

Today you can register for $1,095 (that’s 50% off the full price). Tomorrow that price goes up. Get in now and save some bucks. The price only goes up by $100, but with you having the option of pre-purchasing the Summit DVD set for $125 when you register. That means by registering today you can get all the sessions delivered to you for only $25. Now THAT is a bargain.